Translation Hub stores and lets you dynamically and safely manage all translations for everyone using your applications. Whether you use it in the cloud or onsite it seamlessly integrates into any of your applications through APIs.

No application updates are needed based on language fixes
Our unique architecture approach allows you to add or fix language items without requesting the users to update their application — leading to higher customer satisfaction

Organise distributed parallel translations in all your channels
Assign translations to different experts per language or even by functional domains — eg. card, current accounts, investments, loyalty, legal etc.

Quickly roll-out new language versions to all your applications
Manage all language versions for all your web or mobile applications in on place

Reduce cost of multi language applications
Translation Hub comes with review functions and processes that allow faster reviews and approval processes as well as re-usable language strings allow multi usage of the same content. Save time and reduce human errors by getting rid of merging legacy excels manually